Punk Rock Bowling announces complete festival lineup

Punk Rock Bowling Festival LIneup

Well, here it is!  Punk Rock Bowling has announced their complete festival lineup today and it’s looking pretty fucking good.  I’m not crazy about some of the headliners but my friend Josh tells me I really need to revisit Refused as I’ve never really gotten into them.

Like any festival lineup, there will be hits and misses and it’s been amazing to watch the discourse on BYO Records, Punk Rock Bowling Facebook Group.  Every step of the way, members of the group give the Stern Brothers grief and praise as new acts are added and others are left off to the joy and chagrin of devout Punks and loyal Stern brother disciples.

My favorite part of Punk Rock Bowling is the post festival club dates that take place every evening on Fremont Street in Downtown Vegas when the festival lets out.  Those acts have yet to be announced and I’m eager to see how they round out this one of a kind festival experience that features everything from pool parties to bowling tournaments alongside your favorite punk rock icons.  If you’ve never been to Punk Rock Bowling then this should be the year you finally take the dive… the stage dive, that is.  You can purchase tickets here starting on January 10th

Los Angeles Born and Raised. Musician, writer and entrepreneur. Danny B. launched Janky Smooth to execute a vision that wasn't possible writing for other people's publications (OPP) He is constantly fighting an internal battle between the mainstream and MK Ultra. Twitter/IG: @jankysmooth

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