Small Talk with Teri Gender Bender of Le Butcherettes

Teresa Suarez aka Teri Gender Bender has the potential to become a world wide, iconic figure in music and in the fight for women’s rights. If you’ve seen Le Butcherettes live, then you know that her magnetic presence is impossible to ignore. This past September, Le Butcherettes released their third, full length album, “A Raw Youth”. In her continued collaboration with Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, the Teri Gender Bender/Le Butcherettes genesis continues to evolve into a musical mission statement. Simple arrangements with complex topics fit into the punk rock modality but with what most would describe as a maturation. As more artists like Rodriguez-Lopez and the likes of Iggy Pop seem eager to collaborate with Teri Gender Bender, the respect of her peers demands the respect of the proletariat.
In an attempt to help reveal more about the artists and musicians that we love, Danny Baraz had a few questions for Teri Gender Bender for the inaugural installment of Small Talk.
Danny Baraz: When you collaborated with Iggy Pop on La Uva, who reached out to whom to work together? What came first, the song or the agreement to collaborate?

Teri Gender Bender: Iggy, Omar and I were in his green room after a show (we did a small run together on the West Coast) and we were all speaking in spanish (Iggy has lived in Mexico before and has intimate contact with Latino Culture). Amongst the dialogue he said that I should be an actress… this made me immediately laugh since I and many close friends consider myself to be a dreadful actor! Jaja! In the conversation in a natural fashion Omar said that Iggy and I should do something ogether one day and Iggy liked the idea suggested that even doing a Spanish song together would be perfect and I was just blushing like a mother fucker and . I felt so embarrassed but so very relieved that the idea seemed to be a approachable for Iggy. So then Iggy said let’s do it one day and his manager Henry also made all of it possible because he was kind enough set up the opportunity and make the logistics possible for everyone, like putting us in touch with South Beach Studios down in Miami. Great team of people and everyone was a pro.
Danny Baraz: What is your favorite record of the year?
Teri Gender Bender: I really think Hasta La Raiz by Natalia LaFourcade has come out with one of the best records of the year. She is a primal example of a woman that has chosen a great team, both live and studio wise. Because in the end of it every detail has a process of craft involved. And she pays close attention to every element and song layers in her music.
Danny Baraz: What is the best city in the world to play a concert?

Teri Gender Bender: Any city. Each day is a whole new experience. It’s incredible to see how much culture changes from just one mile difference…. from one block to the next it’s a whole constant changing and shifting tones of cultural exchanges.
Danny Baraz: When I saw you perform in store at Amoeba records you ended up on a bus serenading commuters. Was there a plan to walk around the store and sing to people? Was getting on the bus a spontaneous decision?
Teri Gender Bender: I never plan anything in advance aside from music rehearsals. Playing live is usually a gateway to attracting spontaneous happenings.
Danny Baraz: Are American Feminist Women obligated to vote for Hillary Clinton for President?
Teri Gender Bender: Hell NO! No one should ever feel obligated to even vote period. Let’s be real, it’s not like our votes are even taken seriously. That all died the day Kennedy was murdered by our own government.
This is my only “selfie” picture I could find on my computer/it’s a picture of developed picture! jajajaja I’m such a wannabe hipster.
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