Red Bull Sound Select- Corporate Music With Soul?

Dear Red Bull,

Thank you for everything you are doing for music.  It would be easy for you to sponsor a bunch of festivals and the next Beyonce tour but instead you choose to hire a group of hungry individuals to scour the planet for new and up and coming talent with no promise of Return on Investment.  Your Red Bull Sound Select events are surprisingly hip and I wonder if any of this is about making money.  If  this money being spent to book, promote, record, release and showcase new bands is about further building a lifestyle brand then I”m ok with that.  It’s better than hiring a douchey celebrity to peddle your brand and you are really giving us something that lasts a lot longer than a momentary burst of energy.

Best Regards,

Janky Smooth


We at Janky Smooth are really looking forward to 30 Days in L.A.  It’s one of the most impressive and massive  undertakings in music we’ve seen in quite some time.  The sheer audacity and patience it must take to deal with 30 different L.A. venues on 30 consecutive nights is enough to make my eyes bleed.  Throw in 60 different bands/artists and their personalities and vanities and you can see why no one has ever attempted anything like this before.

Janky Smooth will attempt to cover ALL 30 DAYS as we launch our site and bring you our honest opinions on the artists and their performances.  We will be conducting interviews and bringing you photo’s from our team of talented photographers.  Check back daily starting November 2nd to see our latest reviews and photo’s from the night before.


Los Angeles Born and Raised. Musician, writer and entrepreneur. Danny B. launched Janky Smooth to execute a vision that wasn't possible writing for other people's publications (OPP) He is constantly fighting an internal battle between the mainstream and MK Ultra. Twitter/IG: @jankysmooth


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