Video Premiere: ZOOLUXX’s “WEIRDOS”

So r u still at home chillin? Have we arrived in a time where so called weirdos ain’t supposed to be cool in the modern day plague era anymore? Seeing a future far away from social distance and cognitive dissonance. 

Reminiscent of true urban instrumental playa’s playin’ funky tripped out music from a retro-cassette deck, sporting clinical hazmat suits in mid-apocalyptic plague-zone mode; floating around in a downward spiral into the bottom of the once wiley westcoast streets of party wild LA… And all this without earphones too! 

After quarantine, still skating through strange bio-hazardous, chemically loud, semi-viral beats that blow screeching through non synthetic (sunthetic?) programs. Aside the white walls of corporate industry warehouse branches, in the bushes admist the machine painted gmo leaves; Only not really smelling, but reminding the funky-attitudinal fear based flowers that perhaps they are just hookers for the bees. 

In N95’s going outside of the frosty invisible perimeters, inside such an empty city of our icy toxic surreality, towards the self reliant resemblance of the re-humanization of an anti-social weirdo population of non-organic communication; No jive talk virus-spitting venom here! Capturing the vacancy of ones outer-personal space/the empty environmental zoning/fish back in the water feeling, pushing back the limits past dry social(s) infrastructures of an acidic nightmare aquarium. 

With dreams of Cali’s multicultural classist millennials and of upcoming generations; Turnt-up in resistance to any and all the chemically induced zombified cyber-tech ghostly hosts of the undead. But coming back from their chronic delayed syndrome demise, tapping into the high flying times of funnin’ with live vip friends of psychojazz psychedelic funk-felt frequencies. Versus the plasticine wildcard of counterfeit cuties. Burnt up, paper money cut, animalistic electro-magnetized ZOOLUXX. 

Stay safe, stay home, wear a mask, don’t touch your face, keep six feet away, wash your hands for 20 seconds. Sometimes people gotta take a break and air out from the pestilence of their own funked up minds, is this universal global karma?

Words by: CiaoKapow

Check out the video below:

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