Touche Amore Play 4 albums in 2 Nights at the Regent Theater.

Touché Amoré brings a certain level of nostalgia for most, myself included. When I was in high school I had the chance of seeing Touché at our local teen center. They were pretty much my intro into something a little more hardcore than punk music. I was blown away.
Flash forward 15 or so years and here we are- Touché Amore is headlining 2 sold out nights at the Regent Theater and playing 4 albums in their entirety. This has been a new trend with bands over the past year as they hit 10 to 20 year anniversaries. I love these kind of shows because you know what you’re going to see. So many times I’ve gone to a show and been disappointed by a set list. For the show I attended on night one they played Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me and Lament. The only thing that could have made this a better show for me, would have been trading Lament for Stage Four which was played the next night.
Touché came out heavy starting out with “PSBBM” with the first song- which may be my favorite Touché song. They played straight through the first two songs then paused to share their appreciation for the crowd and these albums. Right before starting “The Great Repetition”, Jeremy stated that this song is kind of about magic which cracked me the fuck up. The song goes “…and for my final act, I will make everyone who loved me disappear. But I won’t know how to bring them back.” This line hits so hard for me. Honestly Touché Amore is one of those bands where every poetic line they write gives you that sentimental feeling inside. Something you can relate to.
Lament is an album that I haven’t personally spent too much time listening to. However, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad album. Far from it, actually. The album is hit after hit with songs like “Limelight” on the album. It’s a new album that’s only been out for 3 years but it has that feeling like its already a classic. In most cases an album I don’t often play is a good chance for me to beat the crowd out, not this time. I stayed till I was the last person at the Regent Theater, basking in the warmth of nostalgia. My only regret is not being able to come for night 2.

Words and Photos: Taylor Wong
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