With all the back and forth about the possible LCD Soundsystem reunion that isn’t actually happening, the release of their first new song in 5 years suggests that the band might have a couple new year’s resolutions.
Just over an hour ago James Murphy tweeted from the LCD Soundsystem Twitter account about a Christmas song he’s been singing in his head for the past 8 years, always forgetting to record it until another Xmas would pass. It appears that this year would not pass without the band not only recording the song but also releasing it on 7″ here via Murphy’s label, DFA Records. The song was also released today and posted to a YouTube account called LCD Xmas.
This song is sure to become an anthem for sad bastards everywhere who are getting drunk alone on the most depressingly jolly day of the year.
It seems to me that LCD Soundsystem have a ton of artistic expression that has been bottled up too long. The back and forth surrounding the reunion is prologue to a busy 2016. I have no doubt we will be seeing the LCD Soundsystem name in big print on a Coachella announcement, soon.
To me it’s obvious. What do y’all think? Do you think the whole reunion and tour rumor, along with different sources associated with LCD Soundsystem denying all of it are just a PR stunt to help hype the inevitable or do you really think that there is a shred of doubt that any of it will happen? Does the uncertainty make you want it more?