Midnite Communion V: Los Globos Doom Spa With Bongzilla and Bongripper
The best part of every metal song, but now it’s the whole song, scratch that, now it’s the whole set. It’s the metal equivalent of a “drop”, a slow and steady build until the crowd’s eyeballs vibrate inside their skulls then a downstroke into a solo. I told someone about this show, Midnite Communion V, and they recommended me some fancy earplugs like I was complaining, I haven’t been afraid I was going to die at a show in a very long time. Thank you Bongs Ripper and Zilla and of course, the show’s promoter, Midnite Communion.
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Cloven – Long Beach represent. There’s a little house in the middle of the city where a slim man, a slender man, with a thick Rasputin-y beard resides. Just like the namesake, his distortion won’t die. I love when an opening band sets such a heavy tone. There could be 5 people in the crowd, doesn’t matter. Cloven came through.
Cult of Occult – They are masters of suspense, it would be cool if they wore executioners masks to play into the name. But that’s the easily distracted youth in me needing a show with my dinner.

Dark Castle – all best parts of Tool and none of the extra for minutes on every song. Doomiest groove, delivered by harmonious growls. I met a guy downstairs who came just for them and was so elated to tell me about them. I love the passion and smiles from anyone in this crowd. The juxtaposition of long hairs and all black then ear to ear smiles.
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Bongripper and Bongzilla – music with a physical sound. A sadomasochistic relationship with the audience. I imagine a spa that caters to metal fans, this is the music they use for doomy sound baths, except it’s super painful and not relaxing in anyway. That might sound negative, and this next part sounds unprofessional, I was very stoned, but when you go watch a doom metal mini-fest, where the headlining bands names start with bong.. inebriation is kinda required.

I loved feeling like my eyes were popping out, I enjoyed the vibrations in my chest. I laughed when I tried looking up the names of songs only to find that Bongripper song titles are just letters that spell out SLOW DEATH, and that’s what it felt like for 2 hours a slow and painful death, followed by resurrection by reggaeton, because that’s what you do when you go to Los Globos. You watch some crazy hardcore or metal show then intermingle with a polyester wearing dance machine.

Words by: Jonathan Reyes
Photos by: Dillon Vaughn
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