Skullcrusher is the most soul stirring modern troubadour of all the current folk artists of today. Using minimal electronics to create a tranquilizing and transportive atmosphere, she fills her canvas of sound with vulnerable notes and lyrics that command such power while sounding so soft and quiet and fragile. She’s an artist that has achieved impossible balances, strength through weakness, openness and mystery, all wrapped into one beautiful, folk package. Aided by Mal on electronic guitar, Skullcrusher’s rare and intimate Moroccan Lounge show was a must-see for any fan of the artist, or general music-head in the know like myself. Having played the Lodge Room last time she was in Los Angeles, performing at the Moroccan Lounge next meant this was going to be a more closely knit show than the usual. And that’s how the audience was, all very close together with our eyes all paying attention to one figure, trying not to make any small sounds that could disrupt the holy moment in which Skullcrusher was performing. We were like moths to the flame and her fire glowed so brightly but refused to rage, instead it was a dancing, light, somber and sweet to the eyes and ears.
Words by: Rob Shepyer
Photos by: Michelle Corvino