The legendary Neko Case is bringing a career-spanning set to the Ace Hotel and we’re giving away...
take this
Teenage Wrist is one of few young bands leading the way for shoegaze and alternative music for...
Editor Rob here—This giveaway is special to me. If you were in high school in the early...
Together Pangea are one of Los Angeles’ seminal garage rock bands. Their upcoming show at The Regent is...
Industrial legends, Front Line Assembly return to Los Angeles to let the cold waves rip and machines...
Sunflower Bean puts new meaning to the words power trio as these three utilize the powers of...
Rotting Christ have been trying to play in America for years but now the time has finally...
One of grunge’s early progenitors, Mudhoney know all the ins and outs of fuzz. The Regent is...
German Thrash has always been a bit more gnarly than it’s American counterpart. Few bands exemplify this...
Psych rock never sounded so dark, demented and wild as when A Place To Bury Strangers takes...